Google will incorporate generative AI in ads


Google is planning to incorporate generative AI technology into its advertising business, according to recent reports. The aim is to allow customers to input content, such as text, images, and videos, which Google's AI system will then use to create ads based on specific targets such as audience and sales goals. The tools will likely be integrated into Google's Performance Max program, which currently provides an overview of customer campaigns.

The generative AI technology is expected to bring significant benefits to Google's advertising business. With these tools, Google can create ads that are specifically tailored to meet the needs of each customer's unique target audience. The result is a more effective and efficient ad campaign, resulting in higher conversions and more significant returns on investment.

Generative AI technology offers numerous benefits to companies in the advertising space. One of the primary advantages of using generative AI is that it allows companies to create highly personalized and targeted ads that resonate with their audience. By analyzing customer data and behavior, companies can use generative AI to create ad content that speaks directly to their target audience's interests and needs. This approach can help companies achieve higher conversion rates and increase their return on investment.

Another advantage of using generative AI in advertising is that it enables companies to create ads more quickly and efficiently. With generative AI, companies can automate the ad creation process, saving time and resources that would otherwise be spent on manual labor. This approach also enables companies to create a greater volume of ads, which can be helpful for larger ad campaigns.

Generative AI can help companies create more diverse and inclusive ads. AI technology can be trained on a variety of data sets and can help identify biases and stereotypes in ad content. By using generative AI, companies can create ad content that is more diverse and inclusive, ensuring that their ads resonate with a broader audience. This approach can help companies build brand loyalty and attract a wider customer base.

However, the introduction of generative AI technology also presents potential risks. Text generators and other generative AI systems are known for introducing errors and replicating biases found in their training data. One person familiar with Google's plans expressed concern that the AI could introduce factual errors into ad campaigns, as it is "optimised to convert new customers and has no idea what the truth is." Google has said it will introduce measures to protect against this eventuality.

Despite these assurances, it is unlikely that Google will be able to fully safeguard the new AI products. The technology is developing at a rapid pace, and reducing mistakes is still in its infancy. In its haste to keep up with rivals, Google has also made serious mistakes in the past. For example, when it revealed its experimental chatbot Bard, the system made a factual error in its first ever demo.

Google faces pressure from several fronts in the advertising space. Startups are offering AI systems that can augment advertising work, and established companies such as Microsoft and Canva already offer AI tools to "remix" creative content. Facebook and Instagram owner Meta, Google's biggest rival in online advertising, also plans to introduce generative AI advertising tools later this year. Overall, incorporating generative AI technology into its advertising business will undoubtedly give Google an edge in the advertising space.


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