Nvidia CEO Shares Insights on AI's Impact on Industries and Society


In his commencement speech at National Taiwan University, Nvidia founder and CEO Jensen Huang emphasized the opportune timing for recent graduates entering the workforce amidst the AI revolution. Drawing parallels to his own entry into the computer industry during the PC revolution, Huang highlighted three major failures he encountered while building Nvidia into the world's most valuable semiconductor company, supplying chips and computing systems for AI.

Having established Nvidia as a three-person gaming graphics startup three decades ago, the company now boasts a workforce of over 26,000 employees. Huang urged graduates to pursue their ambitions with unwavering determination, just as Nvidia has done throughout its history. Currently valued at $997.28 billion, Nvidia aims to become the first trillion-dollar semiconductor stock, surpassing Meta, Tesla, and Berkshire Hathaway. With projected sales of $11 billion in the second quarter of 2023, the company is witnessing remarkable demand from data centers seeking AI capabilities.


Huang's personal journey from Taiwan to the United States, coupled with his graduation coinciding with the advent of the Apple Macintosh, solidified his belief that 2023 presents a similarly opportune time for graduates. As AI reinvents the computer industry from the ground up, Huang stressed the importance of embracing this technological transformation. He emphasized that agile companies leveraging AI will thrive, while those resistant to change will struggle to survive.

While acknowledging that automation may render certain jobs obsolete, Huang emphasized that AI will also create new employment opportunities in fields such as AI data engineering, AI prompt engineering, AI factory operations, and AI safety engineering. He foresees AI augmenting the performance of professionals across various domains, including programmers, designers, artists, and marketers.

Shortly after his commencement speech, Huang cautioned that the traditional tech industry may not keep up with AI advancements, as the barrier to entry in computer coding has significantly diminished. At the Computex conference, he proclaimed the arrival of a new computing era, where AI enables anyone to develop programs simply by issuing commands. This groundbreaking combination of accelerated computing and generative AI marks a reinvention of the industry.

Nvidia's share price has experienced a remarkable 172 percent increase since the start of 2023, largely attributed to investor interest in generative AI following OpenAI's ChatGPT. The demand for Nvidia's data center chips, including the H100 GPU, which drastically reduces training time for large language models like ChatGPT, has surged.

Furthermore, Huang announced the introduction of the DGX GH200, an AI supercomputer platform designed to assist tech companies in building generative AI models like OpenAI's ChatGPT. Major industry players such as Meta, Microsoft, and Google Cloud are among the first expected clients to utilize this powerful supercomputer.

To revolutionize the gaming industry, Huang unveiled a high-performance GPU tailored for gaming and an AI platform enabling developers to create games with lifelike avatars that mimic players' actions. He emphasized the significant role AI will play in rendering and animating virtual environments, outlining it as the future of video games.


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