
Showing posts from July, 2023

Here are the skills Business Analysts possess

Business Analyst position has become increasingly indispensable in the AI-booming era. As organizations seek to maximize their value, optimize processes, and stay competitive, the demand for skilled professionals who can comprehend complex business problems and provide data-driven solutions has reached new heights. Business analytics, as a growing field, presents exciting opportunities for those looking to make a meaningful impact on the success of organizations across the world. As a senior business analyst with extensive experience in various industries, I am keenly aware of the criticality of communication skills in this domain. In this article, we will explore the key attributes and expertise required to thrive as a successful business analyst, emphasizing how effective communication plays a pivotal role in shaping a rewarding career in this ever-expanding and dynamic field. A skilled business analyst possesses a diverse and dynamic set of abilities that enable them to drive meani

Meta's Llama 2 Shakes Up the AI Landscape with 70 Billion Parameters

   Meta recently unveiled Llama 2, a new large language model boasting up to 70 billion parameters. This move has caught the attention of OpenAI, as Meta rarely divulges details about its AI models. Llama 2's release was accompanied by a significant partnership with Microsoft, who has demonstrated support for the model in its Azure and Windows platforms. Additionally, Qualcomm has also joined the Llama 2 fray by announcing plans to bring the model to smartphones. One point of contention lies in Meta's claim that Llama 2 is open source, which has been promoted by both Meta and Microsoft. However, some open-source developers disagree with this classification. Nevertheless, Llama 2's license provides developers and researchers the flexibility to fine-tune the model for their specific requirements. Llama 2 has already showcased its capabilities through platforms like, where multiple Llama 2 models were demonstrated to generate natural and coherent text. The model

Here is how to land your next job with AI

  Finding your dream job has never been easier, thanks to the power of AI-driven tools that streamline the job hunt process and boost your chances of success. Embrace the future of job hunting with these cutting-edge platforms and resources: AI-Powered Resume Builder - Simplified: Creating a professional resume has never been more effortless! Simplified offers an AI-powered resume builder that helps you craft polished and attention-grabbing resumes in no time. Leverage the latest technology to present your skills and experiences in the best possible light. Link: Practice Interviews with AI - InterviewBot: Ace your next job interview by honing your skills with InterviewBot, an AI-driven virtual interview platform. Practice mock interviews with this intelligent assistant and receive valuable feedback to improve your performance and boost your confidence. Link: Comprehensive Interview Question Library - InterviewBuddy™: Preparing for intervi

AI News Anchors: A Quiet Takeover in India Raises Job Security Concerns

   India has recently witnessed the advent of AI-powered news anchors, with the introduction of Lisa, an AI-generated presenter. Despite her human-like appearance at first glance, a closer observation reveals unsettling slow blinking and stuttering motions, highlighting the limitations of current AI technology. However, this development signals potential job security concerns for human news presenters, as artificial intelligence begins to quietly infiltrate the newsroom. In April, India witnessed the debut of AI-generated news anchors, with Lisa taking the stage at Odisha TV, a local broadcasting station in eastern India. Although her delivery is competent, there are noticeable discrepancies in audio and video sync, along with a robotic monotone lacking the nuanced shifts in tone characteristic of human presenters. Nevertheless, for passive consumption, such as background news playing in offices, cafes, or hospitals, she can easily pass as a human presenter. Lisa's introduction is

New York Police Employ AI to Monitor Drivers: Examining the Legal Debate

New York police's use of artificial intelligence (AI) to track drivers' traffic patterns in order to expose potential criminal activity has raised significant legal and ethical questions. One notable case involved the AI scanning a database of 1.6 billion New York license plates over a two-year period to track a car allegedly involved in drug trafficking. The car, driven by David Zayas, a convicted drug dealer from Massachusetts, was tracked through hundreds of license plate readers (LPRs) as it made multiple trips between Massachusetts and New York City. A seemingly ordinary traffic stop led to the discovery of drugs, a firearm, and a large sum of money in Zayas' vehicle. Zayas' defense attorney, Ben Gold, brought attention to the police force's reliance on an AI-powered surveillance program known as "Rekor Scout" and questioned its legality due to the lack of judicial oversight. The police's use of LPRs and AI in this case was not mentioned

AI Displacing Human Authors? Google's Landmark News Article Lawsuit Explained

In a groundbreaking legal case, Google has agreed to pay a staggering $90 million to settle a lawsuit regarding its use of AI to generate news articles without proper attribution to human authors. The lawsuit was brought forth by the National Writers Union and the Association of American Publishers, who alleged that Google's AI-generated articles violated the copyrights of real writers. This development, reported by The New York Times on July 19, 2023, has far-reaching implications for the future of AI and its impact on the job market. Despite Google's denial of any wrongdoing, the tech giant chose to settle the lawsuit to avoid further legal costs. As part of the settlement, Google will make a $90 million payment to the plaintiffs and has committed to changing its practices concerning AI-generated news articles. This landmark case is the first of its kind, showcasing the legal challenges surrounding AI's growing role in content creation. One of the most significant impacts

Elon Musk's Vision: Uniting Tesla and Twitter in the Pursuit of AGI

  Elon Musk, renowned entrepreneur and visionary, firmly believes that artificial general intelligence (AGI) is not only inevitable but could materialize within the next decade. His forward-thinking approach has led him to emphasize the importance of integrating the vast resources of his companies, Tesla and Twitter, in the development of AGI to ensure it is used for the benefit of humanity. Musk's conviction is rooted in the idea that a smarter AGI is less likely to pose a threat to humanity than a less intelligent one. He envisions a future where superintelligent AI can coexist with humanity and be harnessed for the greater good. Musk's involvement in the AI sphere is evident through his cofounding of OpenAI, the organization responsible for the popular AI chatbot, ChatGPT. However, Musk's journey with OpenAI faced challenges, leading to his withdrawal due to conflicts with the CEO and board. Undeterred, he pursued his AI venture, xAI, which has been competing with OpenAI

Diversifying AI: Microsoft Partners with Meta to Bring Llama 2 Language Model to Azure

  In a notable move highlighting Microsoft's pursuit of diversification in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), the company announced the availability of Meta's new language software, Llama 2, at its Inspire conference on Tuesday. While Microsoft had previously invested heavily in OpenAI and incorporated its chatbot technology into various products, this recent development demonstrates Microsoft's willingness to support AI language models from companies other than OpenAI. During the Inspire conference, Microsoft revealed that it would make Meta's Llama 2 AI large language model accessible on its Azure cloud computing service. In a blog post, Meta stated that Microsoft is their "preferred partner" for Llama 2 software, which can be freely accessed by companies and researchers. Emphasizing their shared commitment to democratizing AI and its benefits, Microsoft expressed excitement about Meta's open approach with Llama 2 and their partnership as Meta re

AI's Potential Bubble: CEO Predicts the Biggest Bubble in History

  During a recent call with UBS analysts, Emad Mostaque, the CEO of Stability AI, expressed his belief that artificial intelligence (AI) will become the largest bubble in history. Mostaque, who heads an open-source AI company, emphasized that AI is still in its early stages and not yet ready for widespread adoption in industries such as banking. Referring to it as the "dot AI" bubble, he suggested that the real boom is yet to come. Stability AI, the company behind the popular generative AI tool Stable Diffusion, has gained significant traction in the AI market. Stable Diffusion allows users to generate photo-realistic images based on text inputs and has amassed over a million users. It has also attracted substantial investments, including funding from prominent investors like Coatue and Lightspeed Venture Partners. While Stability AI has garnered attention, Mostaque has faced accusations of misrepresenting his background, achievements, and partnerships. He has responded to th

The Rise of AI Actors: Hollywood Studios' Controversial Proposal Sparks Outcry

  Hollywood studios are considering a controversial proposal that involves the use of digital actors created through artificial intelligence (AI), according to recent developments discussed during a press conference where actors from the Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) confirmed their decision to go on strike. The proposal, described as resembling a plotline from the popular TV series "Black Mirror," was revealed by Duncan Crabtree-Ireland, the chief negotiator for SAG-AFTRA. The Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP), representing Hollywood studios, stated that their proposal included a "groundbreaking AI proposal that protects actors' digital likenesses for SAG-AFTRA members." However, when pressed about the specifics of the proposal, Crabtree-Ireland expressed his concerns. He explained that the studios suggested background performers could be scanned and paid for only one day of work. I

Nvidia's Mind-Blowing $50 Million Investment: Unleashing AI's Potential in Drug Discovery

  Nvidia, the tech powerhouse, has just made a dazzling move in the world of biotech. With a striking investment of $50 million, they have set their sights on Recursion, the trailblazing artificial intelligence-driven drug discovery firm. Brace yourselves for a groundbreaking partnership that promises to reshape the future of medicine. The mere announcement of this alliance sent shockwaves through the stock market, causing Recursion's shares to skyrocket an astonishing 167% in premarket trading. The excitement is palpable as the potential of this collaboration unfolds. So, what exactly does this mean for the world of pharmaceuticals? Well, buckle up, because it's about to get fascinating. Recursion will be given the opportunity to train its AI models on Nvidia's cutting-edge cloud platform, harnessing the immense power of their own vast biological and chemical datasets. Picture this: over 23,000 terabytes of data pulsating through the neural pathways of the AI models, enabl

This Comedian is suing Open AI

  In a groundbreaking lawsuit that has captivated the tech and entertainment industries, a prominent comedian and author has taken legal action against OpenAI, one of the leading companies in the field of artificial intelligence. The lawsuit alleges copyright infringement and raises significant questions about the use of AI models trained on copyrighted books without proper authorization. Filed in a US District Court, the lawsuit accuses OpenAI of utilizing illicitly-acquired datasets that include copyrighted works, obtained from "shadow library" websites known for distributing copyrighted material through torrent systems. The comedian and author argue that OpenAI's ChatGPT, a popular AI model, summarily infringes upon their copyrights by providing unauthorized summaries of their books upon request. This high-profile legal battle challenges the boundaries of copyright law in the evolving landscape of artificial intelligence. Renowned comedian and author Sarah Silverman, a

This is how much Nvidia could gain from the AI boom

  The article   Nvidia, the leading provider of GPU chips for AI, is poised to capitalize on the growing market for generative artificial intelligence (AI). With estimates projecting the generative AI market to reach a staggering worth of $100 billion by 2025, Nvidia's position as a frontrunner in this space is well-established. This article delves into the immense opportunities awaiting Nvidia in the realm of generative AI, highlighting the firm's potential market share, revenue projections, and the factors driving this growth. A Lucrative Frontier: According to Goldman Sachs, the generative AI market has immense growth potential, and Nvidia is primed to benefit significantly. With a projected market share of 40% by 2025, Nvidia could potentially secure an impressive $40 billion in revenue from generative AI alone. This estimate is bolstered by the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) forecast of 40% for Nvidia's AI business over the next five years, positioning it as one of

This startup will save companies millions of dollars

  In the fast-paced corporate jungle, where innovation is the key to survival and the competitive landscape is as fierce as ever, organizations are waking up to the transformative power of machine learning (ML). But in this wild world of data, where efficiency and effectiveness reign supreme, a new contender has emerged: MosaicML. This open-source toolkit, purpose-built for data scientists, is armed to the teeth with a vast arsenal of tools and libraries that promise to revolutionize the ML game. From turbocharging productivity and unearthing the secrets of reproducible research to unleashing the true potential of scalability and interpretability, MosaicML stands tall, ready to empower daring data scientists and organizations to conquer the untamed frontiers of ML and emerge victorious. So, fasten your seatbelts and prepare for an exhilarating journey as we explore the untold benefits of adopting MosaicML in the heart of corporate battlefields. Improved Productivity: Mosa

New York City Takes a Stand Against Bias: Requiring Fair AI Hiring Software

  New York City has taken a significant stride in promoting fairness and equality in hiring processes by implementing a groundbreaking rule that requires companies using AI hiring software to demonstrate their systems are free from sexism and racism. This new regulation is part of the city's comprehensive Bias in Algorithmic Technology Act, which was enacted in 2021. The rule applies to all companies utilizing AI hiring software, regardless of their size, and necessitates the submission of a report to the city that showcases their efforts to address potential bias in their AI systems. While this rule has been lauded by civil rights groups as a necessary measure to prevent discrimination in the workplace, it has also sparked concerns from some businesses regarding compliance challenges and costs. The Need for Addressing Bias in AI Hiring Software The rapid adoption of AI in hiring processes has raised concerns about potential biases that may inadvertently perpetuate discrimination.